MODUS Seminar Program
Weekly talks in the MODUS Seminar in the winter semester 2024/2025:
Wednesday, 12:15-13:45, Room S102, FAN-B
Individual talks may be held via zoom or at different times, see the information, below.
The list of talks is still incomplete and further talks will be added.
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Winter Semester 2024/2025
27.11.2024, 12:15h, also via zoom
Aditi Jain
Applied Mathematics, University of Bayreuth
Investigation of Complex Intracellular Dynamics through the lens of Cooperative Dynamical Systems
Movement is an important part of life. For example, in a central and fundamental process known as gene expression, there is a movement of biological particles called RNA polymerases on the DNA strand to produce messenger RNA (mRNA). Understanding these complex transport phenomena has been a significant area of research in mathematics, biology, and physics. Over the years, the Ribosome Flow Model (RFM), obtained via a mean-field approximation of a stochastic model called the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (TASEP), has provided a rigorous mathematical framework for the analysis. It is a deterministic, continuous-time model for analyzing the flow of interacting particles, and its dynamics are described by ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The results of the RFM analysis can be used to model and engineer gene expression. In this talk, I rely on the framework of RFM to model and analyze the dynamical flow of particles along an ordered chain of sites encapsulating various biologically observed features. The presentation will focus on formulating a system of non-linear ordinary differential equations, where the densities of each site on a lattice serve as the state variables and understand their asymptotic behavior. Exploring cooperative irreducible systems of ODEs with a first integral exhibiting positive gradient, results are leveraged on the global phase portrait of such systems in the proposed models. These frameworks yield deeper insights into how parameters influence system dynamics, enhancing our comprehension of the underlying processes.
04.12.2024, 12:15h
Christoph Helbig
Ecological Resource Technology, University of Bayreuth
Modelling, Simulating, and Evaluating Global Material Cycles with Methods of Industrial Ecology
Abstract: The increasing demand for resources and the associated environmental impacts of extraction, processing, and consumption pose significant sustainability challenges from greenhouse gas emissions to land and water use. To address these challenges, it is essential to understand and manage global material cycles effectively. This presentation will introduce quantitative approaches to modelling, simulating, and evaluating global material cycles using industrial ecology methods. Combining material flow analysis, life cycle assessment, and raw material criticality assessment allows us to understand the complex interactions between human activities, natural systems, and material flows. The presentation will draw on my research experience in developing and applying innovative methods for studying mining, production, recycling, and dissipation of metal and mineral resources. The work is rooted in industrial ecology, which views human activities as part of the natural environment and seeks to optimise material and energy flows to minimise environmental impacts. Using case studies and examples, I will demonstrate how our Ecological Resource Technology group at the University of Bayreuth applies these methods to evaluate the sustainability of global material cycles, specifically focusing on strategically relevant technologies in energy, mobility, and electronics. The presentation will highlight the benefits of our approaches, such as their ability to provide a comprehensive understanding of material cycles, and their limitations, such as the complexity of data collection and analysis, and discuss future research directions for improving the understanding and management of global material cycles.
11.12.2024, 12:15h
Carsten Hartmann
Fachgebiet Stochastik und ihre Anwendungen, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Duality of estimation and control, with application to the simulation of rare events
A computational problem in statistics concerns the reduction of the variance of an estimator of some quantity of interest. A typical example is rare event simulation, for which the standard deviation of most Monte Carlo estimators can be orders of magnitude larger than the quantity of interest. In this talk, I will explain how the development of variance reduction algorithms for rare events can benefit from exploiting variational principles from statistical mechanics in combination with techniques from stochastic optimal control. A particular focus will be on stochastic differential equations and rare events that involve unbounded random stopping times, which pose a particular challenge because the computational complexity of the rare event simulation also depends on average simulation time per sample that is not controlled by the variance. I will present recent results that reveal an unexpected connection between different rare event simulation algorithms and discuss further applications of statistical mechanics principles in computational stochastics.
08.01.2025, 12:15h
Dominik Kamp
Wirtschaftsmathematik, University of Bayreuth
A Delta-Debugger for Mixed-Integer Programming Solvers
Abstract: Recent performance improvements of mixed-integer programming (MILP) solvers went along with a significantly increased complexity of their source codes. This poses challenges in investigating solver behavior, especially if something goes wrong due to implementation errors (aka bugs). In this talk, an open-source delta-debugger for MILP solvers is presented. Delta-debugging is a general trial-and-error approach to isolate the cause of a software failure by simplifying the input data for an implemented algorithm. In practice, applying this tool within the development of the open-source MILP solver SCIP contributed to an increase of approximately 71 % more bugfixes than in the year before. As highlighted in case studies, instances which trigger bugs in reasonable time could usually be reduced to a few variables and constraints in less than an hour. The resulting input instance then makes it significantly easier to discover the root cause of the solver behavior of interest. This way, even performance analysis could already benefit of this automized approach to generate simple performance-adversarial examples.
22.01.2025, 12:15h
Philipp Braun
School of Engineering, Australian National University Canberra
Orchestrating control laws for reach-and-avoid problems: Lyapunov based approaches
Control design for robotic systems guaranteeing safety and convergence properties in cluttered environments is intrinsically challenging due to their potentially conflicting objectives. While several research streams tackle the problem from different angles, a general solution for nonlinear dynamical systems is still out of reach. In this presentation we discuss difficulties, solution concepts and tools in controllers designs for reach-and-avoid problems (i.e., simultaneous target set stabilization and obstacle avoidance). While various approaches exist, we focus on the presentation of related Lyapunov methods.
29.01.2025, 12:15h
Michael Baumann
Applied Mathematics, University of Bayreuth
On fair outcomes and how to detect them - Rabin'93 revisited
Rabin fairness was published in 1993. We explain the concept, discuss questions, and clarify some notable points. Further, we show whether and how fairness equilibria can be calculated via Python/SymPy.
05.02.2025, 12:15h
Ronan Richter
Wirtschaftsmathematik, University of Bayreuth
Methods and measurements for robust adversarial examples
Abstract: After demonstrating their capabilities in everyday tasks, this machine learning models will get increasingly prevalent in critical applications as well. However, their vulnerability to adversarial examples is one of the longest known traits, that raises concerns about their reliability. Building on a previous talk in this seminar, this talk will focus on the creation and analysis of robust adversarial examples for deep neural networks. These kinds of adversarial examples are of particular interest, since they may abstract away from one specific AI model towards a more general class of DNNs. Thus, robust adversarial examples can give insights to the broader limitations of AI approaches and thus help assess the trustworthiness of AI systems. Particularly, in this talk, various methods, from literature and newly designed ones, for generating these adversarial examples will be presented. In this context, we also see, how several notions of adversarial examples exist in different context. Furthermore, will discuss measurements for the robustness of an adversarial example and evaluate the various methods on small examples based on these measurements.
Tuesday, 18.02.2025, 10:00h, Room S74, NWII
Giulia Giordano
University of Trento, Italy
Optimal control of compartmental epidemic models with an arbitrary number of infected and non-infected compartments
(jointly with the Oberseminar Numerics, Optimization, and Dynamical Systems)
Epidemiological models describing the spread of infectious diseases within a population are fundamental to enable the design of control approaches that optimally curb the contagion, while coping with uncertainty in the parameter values. In the first part of the talk, we consider epidemic models formed by a positive compartmental system that includes various infected categories (e.g. asymptomatic, symptomatic, quarantined), fed back by a positive interaction representing contagion. Techniques from optimal and robust control theory allow us to assess the sensitivity of the model to uncertain parameter values. We also formulate an optimal control problem on a finite horizon and we discuss the peculiarities of its solution that, given the structure of the model, can be obtained in one iteration, without resorting to shooting procedures. On an infinite horizon, we show that the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation can be solved exactly. In the second part of the talk, we consider a general class of epidemic models with an arbitrary number of infected and non-infected (e.g. susceptible, vaccinated) compartments and we formulate an optimal vaccination control problem to minimize the number of infections and the cost of vaccination. We show that the sequential quadratic Hamiltonian (SQH) scheme, for which we offer rigorous global convergence guarantees, can solve the problem efficiently. As a main case study, we consider the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic, captured by the SIDARTHE model and its extensions.
Tuesday, 18.02.2025, 11:00h, Room S74, NWII
Rami Kats
University of Trento, Italy
Oscillations in strongly 2-cooperative systems and their applications in systems biology
(jointly with the Oberseminar Numerics, Optimization, and Dynamical Systems)
Abstract: The emergence of sustained oscillations (via convergence to periodic orbits) in high-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems is a highly non-trivial question with important applications in systems biology, including the understanding of bio-molecular oscillators ruling cell life-cycle and metabolism, as well as circadian rhythms in hormone secretion, body temperature and metabolic functions. In systems biology, the mechanism underlying such widespread oscillatory biological motifs is still not fully understood. From a mathematical perspective, the study of sustained oscillations is comprised of two parts: (i) showing that at least one periodic orbit exists and (ii) studying the stability of periodic orbits and/or characterising the initial conditions which yield solutions that converge to periodic trajectories. In this talk we will focus on a specific class of nonlinear dynamical systems that are strongly 2-cooperative. Employing results from the theory of cones of rank k, the spectral theory of totally positive matrices and Perron-Frobenius theory, we will show that strongly 2-cooperative systems admit an explicit set of initial conditions of positive measure, such that every solution emanating from this set converges to a periodic orbit. We will further demonstrate our results using the n-dimensional Goodwin oscillator and a 4-dimensional biological oscillator based on RNA–mediated regulation.
Tuesday, 01.04.2025, 10:00h, Room S82, NWII
Vladimir Veliov
Technical University of Vienna, Austria
Combining in-host and epidemiological models
(jointly with the Oberseminar Numerics, Optimization, and Dynamical Systems)
Abstract: The dynamics of the epidemic diseases at population level is influenced by
the disease status of the individuals, that is, by in-host processes.
Epidemiological parameters/functions such as infectiousness,
immunity level, rate of gain/wane of immunity, recovery rate,
mortality rate, etc. represent aggregated values
of corresponding in-host parameters.
The talk begins with a short review of in-host virus disease
modelling with involvement of innate and adoptive immune system.
In parallel, we consider a particular epidemic model with dynamic
immunity, which we combine with a simple in-host model to obtain
a joint immuno-epidemiological model with reinfection.
The issue of data availability and parameter evaluation will be discussed.