Team > Prof. Dr. Jörg Rambau

Faculty of mathematics, physics & computer science
Department of Mathematics
Since 2004 Jörg Rambau has led the chair of Business Mathematics at the University of Bayreuth. Before that, he worked as a scientific assistant from 1996 through 2004 at the Zuse Institute Berlin. After his diploma in mathematics at the University of Bochum from 1987 to 1993 he became a member of the research training group "Algorithmische Diskrete Mathematik" at Technical University of Berlin where he got his PhD. with Günter M. Ziegler in 1996. He finished his habilitation in 2002 with Martin Grötschel.

Faculty of mathematics, physics & computer science
Department of Mathematics
Jörg Rambau represents the whole range of Discrete Optimization in MODUS, in particular, mixed integer linear programming. Special attention is devoted to uncertain programming, dynamic optimization, and online optimization – that is, well-founded methods to deal with situations in which relevant data is not (yet) known completely at the time of optimization.
Jörg Rambau is member of the following MODUS projects:
- EcoMathMod – Mathematical Modelling of Ecologies (2022/01/17 – ), with methods from Multi-Agent Simulation (application partner: Biology)
- FoodDispatch – Exact Optimization Methods for Food Delivery Services (2023/01/01 – ), with methods from Integer Linear Programming(application partner: Life Sciences)
- ODip – Optimal Diplomacy (2010/01/01 – ), with methods from Discrete Optimization under Uncertainty (application partner: Philosophy)
- MEIO – Multi-Echelon Inventory Optimization (2012/05/06 – ), with methods from Stochastic Integer Linear Programming (application partner: Volkswagen AG, IBM)
- CTN – Cooperative Truck Networks (2016/02/22 – ), with methods from Mixed Integer Linear Programming (application partner: I-LAN-project at FH Erfurt)
- Finished:CHAMP – Control of Heat in Automated Model Production (2012/03/01 – 2015/02/28), with methods from Combinatorial Optimization (application partner: Concept Laser, Lichtenfels)
- Finished: AZuR – An Assistant System for the Time Tabling and Room Assignment for University Courses (2010/03/01 – 2013/08/31), with methods from Mixed Integer Linear Programming (application partner: University of Bayreuth)
- Finished:DISPO – A Decision Support System for the Integrated Size and Price Optimization (2007/11/01 – 2010/10/31), with methods from Stochastic Integer Linear Programming (application partner: NKD Vertriebs GmbH, Bindlach)

Faculty of mathematics, physics & computer science
Department of Mathematics
MODUS-related publications
Dominik Kamp, Jörg Rambau: Flow Formulation of Demand Propagation in Guaranteed Service Models. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55 (2022). - S. 505-510.
Miriam Kießling, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: An exact column-generation approach for the lot-type design problem. In: TOP : An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research, 29 (2021). - S. 741-780.
Susanne Hoffmeister, Jörg Rambau: Strategy Optimization in Sports via Markov Decision Problems. In: Hans Georg Bock, Willi Jäger, Ekaterina Kostina, Hoang Xuan Phu (Hrsg.): Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes HPSC 2018 : Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 19-23, 2018. - Cham : Springer, 2021. - S. 277-322.
Susanne Hoffmeister, Jörg Rambau, Rónán R.C. Richter: Wie man beim Beachvolleyball öfter gewinnt.. - Bayreuth, 2021. - 6 S.
Susanne Hoffmeister, Jörg Rambau: Markov Decision Processes for Sport Strategy Optimization. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 29th European Conference On Operational Research, 08.-11.07.2018, Valencia, Spain.
Jörg Rambau, Rónán R.C. Richter: Optimizing strategic substitution in soccer. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 29th European Conference On Operational Research, 08.-11.07.2018, Valencia, Spain.
Susanne Hoffmeister, Jörg Rambau: Markov Decision Processes for Sport Strategy Optimization. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), 01.-06.07.2018, Bordeaux (France).
Madeleine Löhnert, Jörg Rambau: Modeling Demand Propagation in Guaranteed Service Models. In: Felix Breitenecker, Wolfgang Kemmetmüller, Andreas Körner, Andreas Kugi, Inge Troch (Hrsg.): 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling. - New York : Elsevier, 2018. - S. 284-289.
Ton de Kok, Christopher Grob, Marco Laumanns, Stefan Minner, Jörg Rambau, Konrad Schade: A typology and literature review on stochastic multi-echelon inventory models. In: European Journal of Operational Research, 269 (2018). - S. 955-983.
Susanne Hoffmeister, Jörg Rambau: Sport Strategy Optimization in Beach Volleyball– How to bound direct point probabilities dependent on individual skills. In: Proceedings of MathSport International 2017 Conference. - Padua : 2017. - S. 184-193.
Susanne Hoffmeister, Jörg Rambau: Strategy optimization in beachvolleyball : applying a two scale approach to the olympic games. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: MathSport International 2017 Conference, 26.-28.06.2017, Padua (Italy).
Jörg Rambau: Rapid Mathematical Programming for Cooperative Truck Networks. In: Natalie Kliewer, Jan Fabian Ehmke, Ralf Borndörfer (Hrsg.): Operations Research Proceedings 2017. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017. - S. 317-324.
Susanne Hoffmeister, Jörg Rambau: Strategy Optimization in Sports : A Two-Scale Approach via Markov Decision Problems.. - Bayreuth, 2015-10-23. -
Susanne Börner, Jörg Rambau: How to win a Beach Volleyball Match Using Multi-Scale Markov Decision Processes. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 27th European Conference in Operational Research, EURO2015, 12.-15.07.2015, Glasgow.
Jörg Rambau, Rainer Hegselmann, Stefan König, Sascha Kurz, Christoph Niemann: Optimal control and the campaign problem. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 27th European Conference on Operational Research, 12.-15.07.2015, Glasgow, Scotland.
Susanne Börner, Jörg Rambau: How to Win a Beach Volleyball Match Using Multi-Scale Markov Decision Processes. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: MathSport International 2015, 29.06.-01.07.2015, Loughborough, United Kingdom.
Isabella Hoffmann, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: Approximation of the Maximum Scatter TSP. - (Poster), Veranstaltung: WIO - Women in Optimization, 02.-04.03.2015, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
Rainer Hegselmann, Stefan König, Sascha Kurz, Christoph Niemann, Jörg Rambau: Optimal Opinion Control : The Campaign Problem.. - Bayreuth, 2015-02-27. - 47 S.
Isabella Hoffmann, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: The Maximum Scatter TSP on a Regular Grid.. - Bayreuth, 2015. - 6 S.
Rainer Hegselmann, Stefan König, Sascha Kurz, Christoph Niemann, Jörg Rambau: Optimal Opinion Control : The Campaign Problem. In: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 18 (2015). - S. 1-47.
Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau, Jörg Schlüchtermann, Rainer-Johannes Wolf: The Top-Dog Index : a new measurement for the demand consistency of the size distribution in pre-pack orders for a fashion discounter with many small branches. In: Annals of Operations Research, 229 (2015). - S. 541-563.
Miriam Kießling, Tobias Kreisel, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: Evaluation of a new supply strategy based on stochastic programming for a fashion discounter. In: Stefan Helber (Hrsg.): Operations Research Proceedings 2012. - Cham : Springer, 2014. - S. 515-520.
Sascha Kurz, Miriam Kießling, Jörg Rambau: An exact column-generation approach for the lot-type design problem. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 2nd International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2012), 18.-21.04.2012, Athen, Griechenland.
Miriam Kießling, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: An exact column-generation approach for the lot-type design problem.. - Bayreuth, 2012. - 15 S.
Miriam Kießling, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: The Integrated Size and Price Optimization problem. In: Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 2 (2012). - S. 669-693.
Miriam Kießling, Tobias Kreisel, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau, Konrad Schade, Cornelius Schwarz: Das Optimierungslabor : ein Erfahrungsbericht. In: Der Mathematikunterricht, 58 (2012). - S. 18-29.
Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: On the Hegselmann-Krause conjecture in opinion dynamics. In: Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 17 (2011). - S. 859-876.
Constantin Gaul, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: The Combinatorics of (S,M,L,XL) or the best fitting delivery of T-shirts. In: Models and Algorithms for Optimization in Logistics. - Dagstuhl, Germany : Schloss Dagstuhl — Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, 2009.
Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau, Jörg Schlüchtermann, Rainer-Johannes Wolf: The Top-Dog Index : a New Measurement for the Demand Consistency of the Size Distribution in Pre-Pack Orders for a Fashion Discounter with Many Small Branches.. - Bayreuth, 2008. - 22 S.

Faculty of mathematics, physics & computer science
Department of Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Jörg Rambau
Director, Executive Board, Core-Methods Team
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsmathematik
Raum FAN-D.1.29 (Sekretariat: FAN-D.1.30)
Universität Bayreuth
D-95440 Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0)921 55-7350
Fax: +49 (0)921 55-7352