Team > apl. Prof. Dr. Sascha Kurz

Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsmathematik
Personal Information
Since 2005 Sascha Kurz is with the chair of Business Mathematics at the University of Bayreuth. Before that, he finished his PhD at the chair of Adalbert Kerber, where he obtained his diploma in mathematics in 2004. In 2008 he received his teaching qualification (Habilitation) in mathematics with the corresponding thesis titled "Discrete Structures, Algorithms, and Applications".
Sascha Kurz represents Discrete Mathematics in MODUS, in particular, Social Choice, Cooperative Game Theory, Coding Theory, Combinatorics and Discrete Optimization. Special attention is devoted to enumeration and exhaustive search techniques.
Sascha Kurz is member of the following MODUS projects:
Optimal Diplomacy, with methods from Discrete Optimization under Uncertainty (application partner: Philosophy)
Finished: Integrated Size and Price Optimization, with methods from Stochastic Integer Linear Programming (application partner: NKD Vertriebs GmbH, Bindlach)

Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsmathematik
MODUS-related publications
Miriam Kießling, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: An exact column-generation approach for the lot-type design problem. In: TOP : An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research, 29 (2021). - S. 741-780.
Daniel Heinlein, Thomas Honold, Michael Kiermaier, Sascha Kurz, Alfred Wassermann: Random Linear Network Coding - Wissenschaftliches Rechnen für den 5G-Standard?. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: Modellierung und Simulation (MODUS), 2018, Bayreuth.
Jörg Rambau, Rainer Hegselmann, Stefan König, Sascha Kurz, Christoph Niemann: Optimal control and the campaign problem. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 27th European Conference on Operational Research, 12.-15.07.2015, Glasgow, Scotland.
Serguei Kaniovski, Sascha Kurz: The average representation : a cornucopia of power indices?. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: The 2015 Annual Meeting of the European Public Choice Society, 07.-10.04.2015, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Isabella Hoffmann, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: Approximation of the Maximum Scatter TSP. - (Poster), Veranstaltung: WIO - Women in Optimization, 02.-04.03.2015, Heidelberg, Deutschland.
Rainer Hegselmann, Stefan König, Sascha Kurz, Christoph Niemann, Jörg Rambau: Optimal Opinion Control : The Campaign Problem.. - Bayreuth, 2015-02-27. - 47 S.
Sascha Kurz: Optimal control of opinion dynamics. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: Mathematisches Kolloquium - Mathematical Colloquium : Oberseminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, 04.02.2015, Würzburg, Deutschland.
Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau, Jörg Schlüchtermann, Rainer-Johannes Wolf: The Top-Dog Index : a new measurement for the demand consistency of the size distribution in pre-pack orders for a fashion discounter with many small branches. In: Annals of Operations Research, 229 (2015). - S. 541-563.
Isabella Hoffmann, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: The Maximum Scatter TSP on a Regular Grid.. - Bayreuth, 2015. - 6 S.
Sascha Kurz: Optimal control of the freezing time in the Hegselmann--Krause dynamics. In: Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 21 (2015). - S. 633-648.
Rainer Hegselmann, Stefan König, Sascha Kurz, Christoph Niemann, Jörg Rambau: Optimal Opinion Control : The Campaign Problem. In: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 18 (2015). - S. 1-47.
Sascha Kurz: Optimal control of the convergence time in the Hegselmann-Krause dynamics.. - Bayreuth, 2014-11-18. - 14 S.
Sascha Kurz, Nicola Maaser, Stefan Napel, Matthias Weber: Mostly sunny : a forecast of tomorrow's power index research.. - Bayreuth, 2014-05-05. - 17 S.
Sascha Kurz: Optimal control of opinion dynamics. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: GAMM 2014 - 85th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 10.-14.03.2014, Erlangen, Deutschland.
Sascha Kurz, Nikolas Tautenhahn: Classes of complete simple games that are all weighted.. - Bayreuth, 2014. -
Josep Freixas, Sascha Kurz: Enumeration of weighted games with minimum and an analysis of voting power for bipartite complete games with minimum. In: Annals of Operations Research, 222 (2014). - S. 317-339.
Miriam Kießling, Tobias Kreisel, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: Evaluation of a new supply strategy based on stochastic programming for a fashion discounter. In: Stefan Helber (Hrsg.): Operations Research Proceedings 2012. - Cham : Springer, 2014. - S. 515-520.
Sascha Kurz, Stefan Napel: Heuristic and exact solutions to the inverse power index problem for small voting bodies. In: Annals of Operations Research, 215 (2014). - S. 137-163.
Sascha Kurz: How long does it take to consensus in the Hegselmann-Krause model?. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 14 (2014). - S. 803-804.
Sascha Kurz: Measuring Voting Power in Convex Policy Spaces. In: Economies, 2 (2014). - S. 45-77.
Stefan Napel, Andreas Nohn, Sascha Kurz: The Nucleolus of Large Majority Games. In: Economics Letters, 123 (2014). - S. 139-143.
Josep Freixas, Sascha Kurz: On alpha-roughly weighted games. In: International Journal of Game Theory, 43 (2014). - S. 659-692.
Josep Freixas, Sascha Kurz: On minimum integer representations of weighted games. In: Mathematical Social Sciences, 67 (2014). - S. 9-22.
Josep Freixas, Sascha Kurz: The golden number and Fibonacci sequences in the design of voting structures. In: European Journal of Operational Research, 226 (2013). - S. 246-257.
Sascha Kurz, Nikolas Tautenhahn: On Dedekind’s problem for complete simple games. In: International Journal of Game Theory, 42 (2013). - S. 411-437.
Sascha Kurz: Finding extremal voting systems via integer linear programming. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 25th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXV), 08.-11.07.2012, Vilnius, Litauen.
Sascha Kurz, Miriam Kießling, Jörg Rambau: An exact column-generation approach for the lot-type design problem. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 2nd International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2012), 18.-21.04.2012, Athen, Griechenland.
Miriam Kießling, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: An exact column-generation approach for the lot-type design problem.. - Bayreuth, 2012. - 15 S.
Miriam Kießling, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: The Integrated Size and Price Optimization problem. In: Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 2 (2012). - S. 669-693.
Sascha Kurz: On minimum sum representations for weighted voting games. In: Annals of Operations Research, 196 (2012). - S. 361-369.
Sascha Kurz: On the inverse power index problem. In: Optimization, 61 (2012). - S. 989-1011.
Miriam Kießling, Tobias Kreisel, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau, Konrad Schade, Cornelius Schwarz: Das Optimierungslabor : ein Erfahrungsbericht. In: Der Mathematikunterricht, 58 (2012). - S. 18-29.
Sascha Kurz: Über das inverse Machtindexproblem. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 1. Süddeutsches Power-Meeting, 18.11.2011, Augsburg.
Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: On the Hegselmann-Krause conjecture in opinion dynamics. In: Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 17 (2011). - S. 859-876.
Sascha Kurz: The inverse power index problem. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 24th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXIV), 11.-14.07.2010, Lissabon, Portugal.
Sascha Kurz: Optimal Control of Opinion-forming Dynamics. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 20th International Symposium of Mathematical Programming, 23.-28.08.2009, Chigaco, USA.
Constantin Gaul, Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau: The Combinatorics of (S,M,L,XL) or the best fitting delivery of T-shirts. In: Models and Algorithms for Optimization in Logistics. - Dagstuhl, Germany : Schloss Dagstuhl — Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, Germany, 2009.
Sascha Kurz: Discrete Structures, Algorithms, and Applications. - Bayreuth, 2008. 159 S.
(, 2008, Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik, Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftsmathematik)
Sascha Kurz, Jörg Rambau, Jörg Schlüchtermann, Rainer-Johannes Wolf: The Top-Dog Index : a New Measurement for the Demand Consistency of the Size Distribution in Pre-Pack Orders for a Fashion Discounter with Many Small Branches.. - Bayreuth, 2008. - 22 S.

Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsmathematik
apl. Prof. Dr. Sascha Kurz
Core Methods Team
FAN D, 1.31