Team > Prof. Dr. Wim Martens

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science
Data-Intensive Algorithms (AI VII)
Prof. Dr. Wim Martens
Head of Research Group
Research Interests
Wim Martens is professor for Data Intensive Algorithms at the University of Bayreuth. He is interested in foundational aspects of data management (with a current focus on graph databases and information extraction), logic, complexity, and formal language theory.
He is/was an invited speaker at STOC 2017 and PODS 2022 and his research received several awards (e.g., two ACM SIGMOD research highlight awards, an ICDT best paper award, and the Belgian dissertation award for computer science). He acted as program committee member in major conferences in databases, the Web, theoretical computer science, and logic, such as SIGMOD, PODS, ICDE, ICDT, WWW, ICALP, STACS, and LICS. Currently, he is on the editorial board of ACM Transactions on Database Systems, the advisory board of TheoretiCS, and is chairing the ICDT Council and the SIGMOD Research Highlight Award committee.
I am working on a book about database theory, which can also be found on Github. The book is supposed to be suitable for teaching, but errors will be unavoidable, especially in early versions. You can make comments and point out errors in Github.
Awards / Honors:
- Invited speaker at 41st ACM Sympositum on Principles of Database Systems (PODS), 2022
- Best paper award at the International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT), 2018
- SIGMOD Research Highlight Awards in 2017 and 2019
- Invited speaker at 29th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC), 2017
- Junior Fellowship, Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), 2013
- Emmy-Noether Nachwuchsgruppe, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), 2010
- Admitted to the Junge Kolleg der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste, 2008
- Dissertation Award for Computer Science, Belgium (FWO-IBM Award for Computer Science), 2006
- PC Chair: ICDT 2016
- Chair of the ICDT Council (2017-...) and the SIGMOD Research Highlight Award Committee (2021-...)
- Editorial board member for ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Advisory board member of TheoretiCS (a new, high quality, diamond open access journal)
- Journal reviewing: Journal of the ACM, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Information Systems, VLDB Journal, Theoretical Computer Science, Journal of Web Semantics, Semantic Web Journal, Information and Computation, Theory of Computing Systems, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Evolutionary Computation, Acta Informatica, Fundamenta Informatica, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Information Sciences, Information Processing Letters, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Logical Methods in Computer Science, etc.

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science
Data-Intensive Algorithms (AI VII)
MODUS-related publications
Angela Bonifati, Wim Martens, Thomas Timm: Navigating the Maze of Wikidata Query Logs. In: The World Wide Web Conference : Proceedings. - USA : 2019. - S. 127-138.
Johannes Doleschal, Benny Kimelfeld, Wim Martens, Yoav Nahshon, Frank Neven: Split-Correctness in Information Extraction. In: Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems. - USA : 2019. - S. 149-163.
Kaustubh Beedkar, Rainer Gemulla, Wim Martens: A Unified Framework for Frequent Sequence Mining with Subsequence Constraints. In: ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 44 (2019). - .
Johannes Doleschal, Nico Höllerich, Wim Martens, Frank Neven: Chisel : Sculpting Tabular and Non-Tabular Data on the Web. In: Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018. - Lyon : 2018. - S. 139-142.
Henrik Björklund, Wim Martens, Thomas Schwentick: Conjunctive query containment over trees using schema information. In: Acta Informatica, 55 (2018). - S. 17-56.
Angela Bonifati, Wim Martens, Thomas Timm: DARQL : Deep Analysis of SPARQL Queries. In: Companion of the The Web Conference 2018 on The Web Conference 2018, WWW 2018, Lyon , France, April 23-27, 2018. - Lyon : 2018. - S. 187-190.
Wim Martens, Tina Trautner: Evaluation and Enumeration Problems for Regular Path Queries. In: Benny Kimelfeld, Yael Amsterdamer (Hrsg.): 21st International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2018) : Proceedings. - Saarbrücken : 2018.
Wojciech Czerwinski, Wim Martens, Matthias Niewerth, Pawel Parys: Minimization of Tree Patterns. In: Journal of the ACM, 65 (2018). - .
Johannes Doleschal, Wim Martens, Frank Neven, Adam Witkowski: Satisfiability for SCULPT-Schemas for CSV-Like Data. In: Benny Kimelfeld, Amsterdamer Yael (Hrsg.): 21st International Conference on Database Theory, March 26-29, 2018 - Vienna, Austria : Proceedings. - Germany : 2018.
Wim Martens, Frank Neven, Matthias Niewerth, Thomas Schwentick: BonXai : Combining the Simplicity of DTD with the Expressiveness of XML Schema. In: ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 42 (2017). - .
Wojciech Czerwinski, Claire David, Katja Losemann, Wim Martens: Deciding definability by deterministic regular expressions. In: Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 88 (2017). - S. 75-89.
Wim Martens: Optimizing tree pattern queries : why cutting is not enough (invited talk). In: STOC 2017 Proceedings of the 49th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing. - Montreal : 2017. - S. 3.
Wojciech Czerwinski, Wim Martens, Matthias Niewerth, Pawel Parys: Optimizing Tree Patterns for Querying Graph- and Tree-Structured Data. In: SIGMOD Record, 46 (2017). - S. 15-22.
Angela Bonifati, Wim Martens, Thomas Timm: An Analytical Study of Large SPARQL Query Logs. In: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 11 (2017). - S. 149-161.
Katja Losemann, Wim Martens, Matthias Niewerth: Closure properties and descriptional complexity of deterministic regular expressions. In: Theoretical Computer Science, 627 (2016). - S. 54-70.
Wojciech Czerwinski, Wim Martens, Matthias Niewerth, Pawel Parys: Minimization of Tree Pattern Queries. In: Proceedings of the 35th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, PODS 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 26 - July 01, 2016. - San Francisco : 2016. - S. 43-54.
Leonid Libkin, Wim Martens, Domagoj Vrgoc: Querying Graphs with Data. In: Journal of the ACM, 63 (2016). - .
Wojciech Czerwinski, Wim Martens, Pawel Parys, Marcin Przybylko: The (Almost) Complete Guide to Tree Pattern Containment. In: PODS '15 : Proceedings of the 34th ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, PODS 2015, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, May 31 - June 4, 2015. - New York : 2015. - S. 117-130.
Wim Martens, Frank Neven, Matthias Niewerth, Thomas Schwentick: BonXai: Combining the simplicity of DTD with the expressiveness of XML Schema. In: Proceedings of the 34th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems. - New York : 2015. - S. 145-156.
Henrik Björklund, Wim Martens, Thomas Timm: Efficient Incremental Evaluation of Succinct Regular Expressions. In: Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. - USA : 2015. - S. 1541-1550.
Wim Martens, Frank Neven, Stijn Vansummeren: SCULPT: A Schema Language for Tabular Data on the Web. In: Aldo Gangemi, Stefano Leonardi, Alessandro Panconesi (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2015, Florence, Italy, May 18-22, 2015. - Florence : 2015. - S. 702-720.
Piotr Hofman, Wim Martens: Separability by Short Subsequences and Subwords. In: 18th International Conference on Database Theory. - Germany : 2015. - S. 230-246.
Katja Losemann, Wim Martens: The complexity of regular expressions and property paths in SPARQL. In: ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 38 (2013). - .
Claire David, Amélie Gheerbrant, Leonid Libkin, Wim Martens: Containment of pattern-based queries over data trees. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Database Theory. - USA : 2013. - S. 201-212.
Wojciech Czerwinski, Wim Martens, Tomas Masopust: Efficient Separability of Regular Languages by Subsequences and Suffixes. In: 40th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming. - Berlin : 2013. - S. 150-161.
Timos Antonopoulos, Floris Geerts, Wim Martens, Frank Neven: Generating, Sampling and Counting Subclasses of Regular Tree Languages. In: Theory of Computing Systems, 52 (2013). - S. 542-585.
Leonid Libkin, Wim Martens, Domagoj Vrgoc: Querying graph databases with XPath. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Database Theory. - New York : 2013. - S. 129-140.
Katja Losemann, Wim Martens: The complexity of evaluating path expressions in SPARQL. In: Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI symposium on Principles of Database Systems. - New York : 2012. - S. 101-112.
Wim Martens, Frank Neven, Matthias Niewerth, Thomas Schwentick: Developing and Analyzing XSDs through BonXai. In: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 5 (2012). - S. 1994-1997.
Wouter Gelade, Marc Gyssens, Wim Martens: Regular Expressions with Counting : Weak versus Strong Determinism. In: SIAM Journal on Computing, 41 (2012). - S. 160-190.
Henrik Björklund, Wim Martens: The tractability frontier for NFA minimization. In: Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 78 (2012). - S. 198-210.
Timos Antonopoulos, Wim Martens, Frank Neven: The complexity of text-preserving XML transformations. In: Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems. - USA : 2011. - S. 247-258.

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science
Data-Intensive Algorithms (AI VII)
Prof. Dr. Wim Martens
Core Methods Team
Universität Bayreuth
Angewandte Informatik VII
Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth
Room: 2.40, Computer Science Building (INF).
Consultation hour: Thurday 14-15pm (except during the semester break).
International students: Please do not contact me with questions about your eligibility or the requirements for our MSc in Computer Science. The criteria are explained here. (Yes, you need an IELTS or TOEFL certificate, even if your BSc education was in English. We have learned that an English BSc education does not necessarily bring sufficient English language skills.)
Since we receive 600+ applications per year, I cannot check your requirements by email before you apply in CampusOnline. Please forgive me if I do not reply to such emails.
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