Team > Univ.-Prof. Dr. Vadym Aizinger

Faculty of mathematics, physics & computer science
Chair of Scientific Computing
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Vadym Aizinger
Career path
2019 - present | Professor for numerical methods for partial differential equations Chair of Scientific Computing, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany |
2017 – 2019 | Head of the 'HPC and data processing' group Computing Center, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany |
2014 – 20152016 – 2017 | Temporary Professor (Vertretungsprofessor) Chair of Applied Mathematics 3, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany |
2012 – 2017 | Lecturer (Akad. Rat auf Zeit) Chair of Applied Mathematics 1, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany |
2010 – 2011 | Post-doctoral researcher Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany |
2008 – 2009 | Post-doctoral researcher University of Frankfurt, Germany |
2004 – 2008 | Post-doctoral researcher University of Heidelberg, Germany |
2019 | Habilitation in Mathematics University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany |
2004 | PhD in Computational and Applied Mathematics University of Texas at Austin, USA |
1999 | Diplom (Master) in Mathematics University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany |
1994 | Diplom (Master) in Applied Mathematics I. Franko Lviv State University, Ukraine |
Personal Information
Starting in June 2019, Vadym Aizinger is the Professor for Numerics of PDEs at the University of Bayreuth.
He obtained his PhD at the University of Texas at Austin in 2004 followed by postdoctoral fellowships at the Universities of Heidelberg and Frankfurt as well as at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg. In 2012-2017, he held positions of a lecturer and a substitute professor for Scientific Computing at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg; in 2017-2019, he changed to the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven where he headed the 'High performance computing and data processing' group. He habilitated in 2019 at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
The main research interests of Vadym Aizinger are the mathematical modeling and numerical methods for simulation of various PDE-based problems in climate and environmental sciences.
His special focus are large-scale applications, in particular, numerical models of coastal, regional, and global ocean that
- are based on a finite element or a finite volume method -- his personal favorite is the discontinuous Galerkin method and variations thereof
- use unstructured or block-structured meshes
- require massive amounts of computational resources

Faculty of mathematics, physics & computer science
Chair of Scientific Computing
Main fields of research
- Numerical methods for partial differential equations
- High performance computing
- Modeling of climate and its compartments
Topics and methods
The main focus of my work is the development, analysis, and application of numerical algorithms and discretization schemes for simulation of physical, chemical, and biological processes in environmental and climate applications. The systems being simulated are usually characterized by very large domains with complex geometry; the spatial and temporal scales are highly heterogenious: the simulated phenomena can have sizes between meters and thousands of kilometers and durations from fractions of a second to centuries. These considerations set a very high bar for mathematical modeling skill, efficiency of the numerical methods, and high performance computing (HPC) proficiency.
The discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite element methods offer many desirable properties that make them an attractive choice for environmental and climate models. These include
- robustness for low-regularity problems such as those with shocks and discontinuities;
- guaranteed local conservation of all unknowns;
- natural support for arbitrary order approximation spaces;
- non-conforming meshes and hanging nodes present no difficulty;
- easy accommodation of h- and p-refinement;
- local approximation stencils highly suitable for parallel computing.
A relatively high computational cost of DG discretizations compared to the classical finite elements or finite volumes of the same order can be partially offset by superior parallel scaling of DG schemes. In addition, a number of strategies appear to hold promise with regard to increasing method’s efficiency and accuracy
- mesh adaptivity allows to efficiently utilize computational resources and obtain a more accurate solution in the areas of interest;
- locality of DG approximation stencils improves parallel scalability on HPC clusters and hybrid computational architectures;
- approximation space adaptivity permits very high accuracy without excessive computational cost in parts of the computational domain, where the analytical solution is smooth, and relies on low-order approximations otherwise — all this without violating the local conservation properties of the scheme.

Faculty of mathematics, physics & computer science
Chair of Scientific Computing
MODUS-related publications
Journal articles
Pouyan Ahmadi, Franz Dichgans, Lisa Jagau, Christian Schmidt, Vadym Aizinger, Benjamin Silas Gilfedder, Jan Fleckenstein: Systematic CFD-based evaluation of physical factors influencing the spatiotemporal distribution patterns of microplastic particles in lakes. In: Science of the Total Environment, 917 (2024). - .
Book sections and proceedings
Markus Büttner, Christoph Alt, Tobias Kenter, Harald Köstler, Christian Plessl, Vadym Aizinger: Enabling Performance Portability for Shallow Water Equations on CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs with SYCL. In: Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference. - New York, NY : 2024.
Journal articles
Sara Faghih-Naini, Sebastian Kuckuk, Daniel Zint, Samuel Kemmler, Harald Köstler, Vadym Aizinger: Discontinuous Galerkin method for the shallow water equations on complex domains using masked block-structured grids. In: Advances in Water Resources, (2023). - .
Markus Musch, Andreas Rupp, Vadym Aizinger, Peter Knabner: Hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method with mixed-order spaces for non-linear diffusion equations with internal jumps. In: GEM : International Journal on Geomathematics, 14 (2023). - .
Book sections and proceedings
Christoph Alt, Tobias Kenter, Sara Faghih-Naini, Jennifer Faj, Jan-Oliver Opdenhövel, Christian Plessl, Vadym Aizinger, Jan Hönig, Harald Köstler: Shallow Water DG Simulations on FPGAs : Design and Comparison of a Novel Code Generation Pipeline. In: Abhinav Bhatele, Jeff Hammond, Marc Baboulin, Carola Kruse (Hrsg.): High Performance Computing : Proceedings. - Cham : Springer, 2023. - S. 86-105.
Jennifer Faj, Tobias Kenter, Sara Faghih-Naini, Christian Plessl, Vadym Aizinger: Scalable Multi-FPGA Design of a Discontinuous Galerkin Shallow-Water Model on Unstructured Meshes. In: Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference. - New York, NY : Association for Computing Machinery, 2023.
Other contributions
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger, Sebastian Kuckuk, Richard Angersbach, Christoph Alt, Tobias Kenter, Harald Köstler: Algorithm re-design and code generation for performance improvements of a discontinuous Galerkin shallow water model on CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs and heterogeneous systems. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH) 2023, 4.-8. September 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger, Sebastian Kuckuk, Richard Angersbach, Daniel Zint, Samuel Kemmler, Harald Köstler, Roberto Grosso: HPC code generation framework for the discontinuous Galerkin method as a technology demonstrator for digital twins. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference 2023, 26.-28. June 2023, Davos, Switzerland.
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger, Sebastian Kuckuk, Richard Angersbach: A parameter-free adaptivity indicator for a p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin discretization of the shallow water equations. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS23), 19.-22. June 2023, Bergen, Norway.
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger, Sebastian Kuckuk, Richard Angersbach, Samuel Kemmler, Harald Köstler: A discontinuous Galerkin method for the shallow water equations on CPU-GPU systems. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: Oral presentation at ASIM Simulation in den Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften, 2.-3. Fabruary 2023, Bayreuth, Germany.
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger, Sebastian Kuckuk, Richard Angersbach, Daniel Zint, Samuel Kemmler, Harald Köstler, Roberto Grosso: Computational performance optimizations for a discontinuous Galerkin discretization of the shallow water equations. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: Invited presentation at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, 22.-27. January 2023, Lappeenranta, Finland.
Journal articles
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger: p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for the shallow water equations with a parameter-free error indicator. In: GEM : International Journal on Geomathematics, 13 (2022). - .
Yannic Fischler, Martin Rückamp, Christian Bischof, Vadym Aizinger, Mathieu Morlighem, Angelika Humbert: A scalability study of the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM, version 4.18). In: Geoscientific Model Development, 15 (2022). - S. 3753-3771.
Book sections and proceedings
Daniel Zint, Roberto Grosso, Vadym Aizinger, Sara Faghih-Naini, Sebastian Kuckuk, Harald Köstler: Automatic Generation of Load-Balancing-Aware Block-Structured Grids for Complex Ocean Domains. In: Trevor Robinson, David Moxey, Vladimir Z. Tomov (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2022 SIAM International Meshing Roundtable. - Virtual Conference : Zenodo, 2022.
Other contributions
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger, Sebastian Kuckuk, Richard Angersbach, Daniel Zint, Samuel Kemmler, Harald Köstler, Roberto Grosso: GHODDESS : p-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin discretization for ocean simulations. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: LSS Summer Retreat 2022, 18.-20. July 2022, Waischenfeld, Germany.
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger, Sebastian Kuckuk, Richard Angersbach, Harald Köstler: Hardware-optimized numerics for a discontinuous Galerkin shallow water model. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), 05.-09. June 2022, Oslo, Norway.
Sara Faghih-Naini, Daniel Zint, Sebastian Kuckuk, Samuel Kemmler, Vadym Aizinger, Roberto Grosso, Harald Köstler: Shallow water simulations on complex ocean domains using block-structured grids. - (Poster), Veranstaltung: Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference 2022, 27.-29. June 2022, Basel, Switzerland.
Journal articles
Fei Xu, Qingang Xiong, Vadym Aizinger, Guillaume Ducrozet: Development and Application of Open-Source Software for Problems with Numerical PDEs. In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 81 (2021). - S. 1-2.
Balthasar Reuter, Hennes Hajduk, Andreas Rupp, Florian Frank, Vadym Aizinger, Peter Knabner: FESTUNG 1.0 : Overview, usage, and example applications of the MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for discontinuous Galerkin methods. In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 81 (2021). - S. 3-41.
Book sections and proceedings
Tobias Kenter, Adesh Shambhu, Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger: Algorithm-hardware co-design of a discontinuous Galerkin shallow-water model for a dataflow architecture on FPGA. In: Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference. - Geneva : 2021. - S. 1-11.
Other contributions
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger, Sebastian Kuckuk, Daniel Zint, Harald Köstler, Roberto Grosso: Code Generation for quadrature-free Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations of the Shallow-water Equations. - (Poster), Veranstaltung: Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference 2021, 05.-09. July 2020, Online-Conference.
Sara Faghih-Naini, Sebastian Kuckuk, Daniel Zint, Vadym Aizinger, Harald Köstler, Roberto Grosso, Tobias Kenter, Adesh Shambhu: Combining hardware, software, and numerical methodologies to improve computational performance of a discontinuous Galerkin shallow water model. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS21), 21.-24. June 2021, Online-Conference.
Journal articles
Moritz Hauck, Vadym Aizinger, Florian Frank, Hennes Hajduk, Andreas Rupp: Enriched Galerkin method for the shallow-water equations. In: GEM : International Journal on Geomathematics, 11 (2020). - .
Balthasar Reuter, Andreas Rupp, Vadym Aizinger, Florian Frank, Peter Knabner: FESTUNG: A MATLAB / GNU Octave Toolbox for the Discontinuous Galerkin Method. Part IV. Generic Problem Framework and Model-Coupling Interface. In: Communications in Computational Physics, 28 (2020). - S. 827-876.
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger, Sebastian Kuckuk, Daniel Zint, Roberto Grosso, Harald Köstler: Quadrature-free discontinuous Galerkin method with code generation features for shallow water equations on automatically generated block-structured meshes. In: Advances in Water Resources, 138 (2020). - .
Book sections and proceedings
Hennes Hajduk, Dmitri Kuzmin, Vadym Aizinger: Bathymetry Reconstruction Using Inverse ShallowWater Models : Finite Element Discretization and Regularization. In: Harald van Brummelen, Alessandro Corsini, Simona Perotto, Gianluigi Rozza (Hrsg.): Numerical Methods for Flows : FEF 2017 Selected Contributions. - Cham : Springer, 2020. - S. 223-230.
Other contributions
Sara Faghih-Naini, Sebastian Kuckuk, Daniel Zint, Vadym Aizinger, Harald Köstler, Roberto Grosso: A Quadrature-free p-adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Formulation for Shallow-water Equations with Code Generation Features. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: Modeling and Simulation of Transport Phenomena, 12.-15. Okt. 2020, Treis-Karden, Deutschland.
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger, Sebastian Kuckuk, Daniel Zint, Harald Köstler, Roberto Grosso: Quadrature-free Discontinuous Galerkin Formulation for Shallow-water Equations with Code Generation Features. - (Poster), Veranstaltung: ECMWF Annual Seminar 2020, 14.-18. Sept. 2020, Online-Conference.
Journal articles
Balthasar Reuter, Andreas Rupp, Vadym Aizinger, Peter Knabner: Discontinuous Galerkin method for coupling hydrostatic free surface flows to saturated subsurface systems. In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 77 (2019). - S. 2291-2309.
Daniel Zint, Roberto Grosso, Vadym Aizinger, Harald Köstler: Generation of Block Structured Grids on Complex Domains for High Performance Simulation. In: Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 59 (2019). - S. 2108-2123.
Hennes Hajduk, Dmitri Kuzmin, Vadym Aizinger: New directional vector limiters for discontinuous Galerkin methods. In: Journal of Computational Physics, 384 (2019). - S. 308-325.
N. V. Koldunov, Vadym Aizinger, N. Rakowsky, P. Scholz, D. Sidorenko, S. Danilov, Thomas Jung: Scalability and some optimization of the Finite-volumE Sea ice--Ocean Model, Version 2.0 (FESOM2). In: Geoscientific Model Development, 12 (2019). - S. 3991-4012.
Book sections and proceedings
Daniel Zint, Roberto Grosso, Vadym Aizinger, Harald Köstler: Generation of Block Structured Grids on Complex Domains for High Performance Simulation. In: Vladimir A. Garanzha, Lennard Kamenski, Hang Si (Hrsg.): Numerical Geometry, Grid Generation and Scientific Computing : Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, NUMGRID 2018. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2019. - S. 87-99.
Other contributions
Sara Faghih-Naini, Sebastian Kuckuk, Daniel Zint, Vadym Aizinger, Harald Köstler, Roberto Grosso: Beyond ExaStencils : Code Generation for Quadrature-Free Discontinuous Galerkin Methods in Ocean Modeling. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: SPPEXA Final Symposium 2019, ExaStencils, October 21-23, 2019, Dresden.
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger, Sebastian Kuckuk, Daniel Zint, Harald Köstler, Roberto Grosso: Quadrature-free Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Shallow-water Equations. - (Poster), Veranstaltung: Earth System Modeling Summer School, 2019 September 10-19, Bad Aibling, Germany.
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger, Sebastian Kuckuk, Daniel Zint, Harald Köstler, Roberto Grosso: Quadrature-free Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Shallow-water Equations. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2019 July 15-19, Valencia, Spain.
Vadym Aizinger, Hennes Hajduk: Bathymetry reconstruction using modified shallow-water equations discretized by a discontinuous Galerkin method. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: Workshop der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe Simulation und Optimierung komplexer Systeme, 19.-20.9.2019, Oberammergau, Deutschland.
Journal articles
Vadym Aizinger, Andreas Rupp, Jochen Schütz, Peter Knabner: Analysis of a mixed discontinuous Galerkin method for instationary Darcy flow. In: Computational Geosciences, 22 (2018). - S. 179-194.
Vadym Aizinger, Leon Bungert, Michael Fried: Comparison of two local discontinuous Galerkin formulations for the subjective surfaces problem. In: Computing and Visualization in Science, 18 (2018). - S. 193-202.
Sebastian Beyer, Thomas Kleiner, Vadym Aizinger, Martin Rückamp, Angelika Humbert: A confined-unconfined aquifer model for subglacial hydrology and its application to the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream. In: The Cryosphere, 12 (2018). - S. 3931-3947.
Alexander Jaust, Balthasar Reuter, Vadym Aizinger, Jochen Schütz, Peter Knabner: FESTUNG: A MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for the discontinuous Galerkin method. Part III. Hybridized discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) formulation. In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 75 (2018). - S. 4505-4533.
Anne Marx, Marcus Conrad, Vadym Aizinger, Alexander Prechtel, Robert van Geldern, Johannes A. C. Barth: Groundwater data improve modelling of headwater stream CO₂ outgassing with a stable DIC isotope approach. In: Biogeosciences, 15 (2018). - S. 3093-3106.
Hennes Hajduk, Ben R. Hodges, Vadym Aizinger, Balthasar Reuter: Locally Filtered Transport for computational efficiency in multi-component advection-reaction models. In: Environmental Modelling & Software, 102 (2018). - S. 185-198.
Other contributions
Sara Faghih-Naini, Vadym Aizinger: A Quadrature-free Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Shallow Water Equations. - (Vortrag), Veranstaltung: 16th European Finite Element Fair (EFEF 2018), June 8-9, 2018, Heidelberg.
Journal articles
Vadym Aizinger, Adam Kosík, Dmitri Kuzmin, Balthasar Reuter: Anisotropic slope limiting for discontinuous Galerkin methods. In: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 84 (2017). - S. 543-565.
Leon Bungert, Vadym Aizinger, Michael Fried: A Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Subjective Surfaces Problem. In: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 58 (2017). - S. 147-161.
Jochen Schütz, Vadym Aizinger: A hierarchical scale separation approach for the hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method. In: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 317 (2017). - S. 500-509.
Book sections and proceedings
Alexander Ditter, Dominik Schönwetter, Anton Kuzmin, Dietmar Fey, Vadym Aizinger: Memory Analysis and Performance Modeling for HPC Applications on Embedded Hardware via Instruction Accurate Simulation. In: Jan Janech, Jozef Kostolny, Tomasz Gratkowski (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Software Development and Object Technologies. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2017. - S. 19-34.
Journal articles
Alexander Jaust, Jochen Schütz, Vadym Aizinger: An efficient linear solver for the hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 16 (2016). - S. 845-846.
M. Geveler, B. Reuter, Vadym Aizinger, D. Göddeke, S. Turek: Energy efficiency of the simulation of three-dimensional coastal ocean circulation on modern commodity and mobile processors. In: Computer Science : Research + Development, 31 (2016). - S. 225-234.
B. Reuter, Vadym Aizinger, Manuel Wieland, F. Frank, P. Knabner: FESTUNG : A MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for the discontinuous Galerkin method. Part II: Advection operator and slope limiting. In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 72 (2016). - S. 1896-1925.
Book sections and proceedings
Dominik Schönwetter, A. Ditter, Vadym Aizinger, B. Reuter, D. Fey: Cache Aware Instruction Accurate Simulation of a 3-D Coastal Ocean Model on Low Power Hardware. In: Yuri Merkuryev (Hrsg.): SIMULTECH 2016 : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications. Volume 1. - Setúbal : SCITEPRESS, 2016. - S. 129-137.
Dominik Schönwetter, Alexander Ditter, Bruno Kleinert, Arne Hendricks, Vadym Aizinger, Dietmar Fey: Virtualization Guided Tsunami and Storm Surge Simulations for Low Power Architectures. In: Mohammad S. Obaidat, Janusz Kacprzyk, Tuncer Ören, Joaquim Filipe (Hrsg.): Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016. - S. 99-114.
Journal articles
Chris Mirabito, Clint Dawson, Vadym Aizinger: An a priori error estimate for the local discontinuous Galerkin method applied to two-dimensional shallow water and morphodynamic flow. In: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 31 (2015). - S. 397-421.
F. Frank, B. Reuter, Vadym Aizinger, P. Knabner: FESTUNG : A MATLAB/GNU Octave toolbox for the discontinuous Galerkin method. Part I: Diffusion operator. In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 70 (2015). - S. 11-46.
Vadym Aizinger, Peter Korn, Marco Giorgetta, Sebastian Reich: Large-scale turbulence modelling via α-regularisation for atmospheric simulations. In: Journal of Turbulence, 16 (2015). - S. 367-391.
Balthasar Reuter, Vadym Aizinger, Harald Köstler: A multi-platform scaling study for an OpenMP parallelization of a discontinuous Galerkin ocean model. In: Computers & Fluids, 117 (2015). - S. 325-335.
N. Shokina, Vadym Aizinger: On numerical modelling of impulse water waves generated by submarine landslides. In: Environmental Earth Sciences, 74 (2015). - S. 7387-7405.
Reinhard Hinkelmann, Q. Liang, Vadym Aizinger, Clint Dawson: Robust shallow water models. In: Environmental Earth Sciences, 74 (2015). - S. 7273-7274.
Vadym Aizinger, D. Kuzmin, L. Korous: Scale separation in fast hierarchical solvers for discontinuous Galerkin methods. In: Applied Mathematics and Computation, 266 (2015). - S. 838-849.
Book sections and proceedings
Jan Oetjen, Max Engel, Christoph Effkemann, Simon M. May, Shiva P. Pudasaini, Theide Wöffler, Vadym Aizinger, Holger Schüttrumpf, Helmut Brückner: Numerical modelling of tsunami scenarios for the island of Bonaire (Leeward Antilles). In: Abstract of the 4th International Tsunami Field Symposium. - s.l. : 2015. - S. 81-85.
Dominik Schönwetter, A. Ditter, B. Kleinert, Arne Hendricks, Vadym Aizinger, H. Koestler, D. Fey: Tsunami and Storm Surge Simulation Using Low Power Architectures : Concept and Evaluation. In: Mohammad S. Obaidat (Hrsg.): SIMULTECH 2015 : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications. Volume 1. - Setúbal : SCITEPRESS, 2015. - S. 377-382.
Journal articles
Vadym Aizinger, J. Proft, Clint Dawson, D. Pothina, S. Negusse: A three-dimensional discontinuous Galerkin model applied to the baroclinic simulation of Corpus Christi Bay. In: Ocean Dynamics, 63 (2013). - S. 89-113.
Journal articles
P. D. Düben, P. Korn, Vadym Aizinger: A discontinuous/continuous low order finite element shallow water model on the sphere. In: Journal of Computational Physics, 231 (2012). - S. 2396-2413.
Book sections and proceedings
Vadym Aizinger: A geometry independent slope limiter for the discontinuous Galerkin method. In: Egon Krause, Yurii Shokin, Michael Resch, Dietmar Kröner, Nina Shokina (Hrsg.): Computational Science and High Performance Computing IV. - Berlin : Springer, 2011. - S. 207-217.
Book sections and proceedings
Vadym Aizinger, Andreas Hauser, Gabriele Wittum: Simulation of Flow and Transport in a Static Mixer Using Adaptive and Higher Order Numerical Methods. In: Henning Bockhorn, D. Mewes, W. Peukert, H.-J. Warnecke (Hrsg.): Micro and Macro Mixing : analysis, simulation and numerical calculation. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2010. - S. 245-262.
Journal articles
Vadym Aizinger, Clint Dawson: The local discontinuous Galerkin method for three-dimensional shallow water flow. In: Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 196 (2007). - S. 734-746.
Journal articles
Clint Dawson, Vadym Aizinger: A discontinuous Galerkin method for three-dimensional shallow water equations. In: Journal of Scientific Computing, 22 (2005). - S. 245-267.
Book sections and proceedings
Vadym Aizinger, Clint Dawson: A discontinuous Galerkin method for three-dimensional shallow water flows with free surface. In: Cass T. Miller, M. W. Farthing, W. G. Gray, G. F. Pinder (Hrsg.): Computational Methods in Water Resources. Volume 2. Proceedings of the XVth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2004. - S. 1691-1702.
Journal articles
Vadym Aizinger, Clint Dawson: A discontinuous Galerkin method for two-dimensional flow and transport in shallow water. In: Advances in Water Resources, 25 (2002). - S. 67-84.
Book sections and proceedings
Clint Dawson, Vadym Aizinger: Discontinuous Galerkin methods for shallow water flow and transport. In: S. Majid Hassanizadeh, R. J. Schotting, W.G. Gray, G. F. Pinder (Hrsg.): Computational Methods in Water Resources. Volume 2. Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2002. - S. 915-922.
Clint Dawson, Vadym Aizinger: The local discontinuous Galerkin method for advection-diffusion equations arising in groundwater and surface water applications. In: John Chadam, Al Cunningham, Richard E. Ewing, Peter Ortoleva, Mary F. Wheeler (Hrsg.): Resource Recovery, Confinement, and Remediation of Environmental Hazards. - New York : Springer, 2002. - S. 231-245.
Journal articles
Vadym Aizinger, Clint Dawson, Bernardo Cockburn, Paul Castillo: The local discontinuous Galerkin method for contaminant transport. In: Advances in Water Resources, 24 (2000). - S. 73-87.
Book sections and proceedings
Clint Dawson, Vadym Aizinger, Bernardo Cockburn: The Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Contaminant Transport Problems. In: Bernardo Cockburn, G. E. Karniadakis, C.-W. Shu (Hrsg.): Discontinuous Galerkin Methods : Theory, Computation and Applications. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2000. - S. 309-314.
Journal articles
Clint Dawson, Vadym Aizinger: Upwind-mixed methods for transport equations. In: Computational Geosciences, 3 (1999). - S. 93-110.

Faculty of mathematics, physics & computer science
Chair of Scientific Computing
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Vadym Aizinger
Executive Board, Core Methods Team
Office: NW III, 2.32
Phone: +49-921-55 7873
Fax +49 921 55-7155
Homepage: Homepage
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